Mr. Big Two - Card game

by mobirixsub


not available

★ Here new great card game has appeared!☆ Automatic zoom support! If you feel so narrow space to touch a card, you can enable auto-zoom function! Whenever you select your card, camera will be zoom in~!
★ Theme selection~! You can choose 3 different themes( Black, Red, Blue )
☆ Three different language voices support~!=====================================================
Mr. Big Two follows Hong-Kong rule.
Card rank (highest to lowest): 2>A>K>Q>]>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3Suit rank (highest to lowest): (Hong Kong)♠>♥>♣>◆
At the beginning of each game, the dealer shuffles the deck to beginwith and begins dealing out the cards singly, starting with the person ofhis right, in a counter-clockwise manner around the table.
The player with the 3◆ startsby either playing it singly or as part of a combination, leading to the firsttrick. Play proceeds counter-clockwise, with normal climbing-game rules
applying: each player must play a higher card or combination than theone before, with the same number of cards. Players may also pass, thusdeclaring that he does not want to play (or does not hold the necessarycards to make a play possible). A pass does not hinder any further playin the game, each being independent. When all but one of the playershave passed in succession the trick is over and a new trick is started bythe last player to play.
The game ends when one player runs out of cards.